Wednesday, August 20, 2014

School rush (Y2S1)


Wow, ever since school started things has been moving so fast! Super busy that I have 5 (!!!) episodes of channel 8 drama on hold. Totally no time for tv because I reach home late all the time and cca stuff and school preparation forces me to sleep at 2 almost everyday. 

At this point you might be wondering why I have time to blog hahaha. Well... Let's just say long bus rides coupled with emo songs somehow give blogging inspiration :D

But I must say it had been a good opportunity of learning and doing new things!

Here is a summary of the highlights!

1. Got an opportunity to do lecture pitch for Enactus!
Coupled with le BFF, we were given some time to do a recruitment pitch for Enactus at a lecture hall full of Adm freshies. And we totally loved their energy! To the question "how was your first week at school", they replied "Awesome!!" in unison! We said that just to be friendly and personable and didn't expect such a good response. Anyways we had. blast sharing about our projects :)

2. Conducted interviews for BWL recruits!
Interviews were fun at the start but because there were so many candidates, it gradually got quite tiring! But I gained a greater insight on how interviewers choose their candidates and felt the pressure of creating a fab team. It's really quite difficult to judge a person through interviews since it's difficult to know if a person is very good at "fluffing" and do not mean it or if they are just nervous to perform on the spot but are actually very good team mates. I hope that the choices that me and jw made are good! :)

3. Selling cookies at NTUFest!
BWL went down to ntufest for cookie sales!
All set up!
My fringe is totally plastered cause the tentage was like an oven and it was sweltering hot!!
But we managed to sell our everything super early and made $2K plus! Sales is tiring but satisfying!

4. Setting mini projects for a "intro to entre" class!
Our faculty mentor allowed enactus to set a few project-based questions as mini projects for his class! It was quite awesome because we can get help from students (whose grade depend on the proj) so I'm looking forward to good ideas! But the part I liked best is feeling like a cool teacher, setting questions for UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATES, having them ask us questions and us clarifying and giving then hints and ideas. How cool is that!

And very soon I will also get the chance of leading the freshies at camp and then finally starting BWL afresh. 

Busy but exciting days coming up!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Hah, Jocelyn said that she was an unsatisfied fan of ankukueh because I haven't blogged much in the holidays!!! So here's an update of the precamp we had today.

Met up with the group of project leaders and directors of enactus early in the morning at 10am (10am meet at serangoon means must wake up at 7.30 okay sobs)

The new batch of directors are super awesome, they have plans for ntu to have increased awareness of enactus, so they'd be rolling out marketing plans (including people like myself having to 抛头露面 and do pitching in random lectures lol). But still it's for the better good, in the future when I tell people I'm from enactus they won't go "Huh? What?" ten times before I go into a long story on what we do and my team project. :D

On to the games!

The first game was to create the tallest and sturdiest newspaper structure! It was project leader team vs exco team so we were dying to win them LOL. 

At the start our structure seemed to be so weak and swayed with the wind OTL But Jocelyn said that it was a "dancing flower" lol. 

It really did look like one with our base looking like the roots and one flimsy train of newspapers growing upwards lolll. We struggled with the masking tape and newspaper for 20 minutes, weathering the programmers' attacks of wind, water and even whacking our whole structure!!

Eventually the structure grew to be taller than me and looked like a tree! 

Time to claim credit: in the last 10 seconds when our structure was going to bend down, I strategically twisted it the other direction and it became steady!! While the exco team's structure fell like lightning struck their tree! Muahahaha!

Victory shot with exco photobombing us :D

After that we had a few games but u must talk about the tele-match! Got unfortunate story of Jocelyn lol.

In this tele-match we had to complete stations one by one and the fatest team wins. The first station was the worst for me because we had to find polo sweets from a plate of flour and I got so much flour in my mouth!! =.= gagged continuously after that and was miserable.

But Jocelyn was more miserable Hahaha. There was this 10 elephant spins station where we had to make ourselves dizzy before throwing a cup of water into a pail. 

As expected from her always carsick/seasick/dizzy/headache moments, she was so dizzy that she tumbled into a big puddle of water!! Super miserable >< (actually I also had to crawl to the water pouring station after spinning but comparatively not as miserable lol)

And the story doesn't end here, Jocelyn still had a lot of flour in her mouth and she started drinking the dirty water from the pail!!! For a moment I really thought she became bonkers :0

But other than 3 scratches she is ok lol.

Jocelyn ah, next time don't so clumsy hor....

Last station was the water bomb games!! Weijian was "it" and we (all girls) had to protect him from getting wet.

Us and our weapons
Scheming face cause Jocelyn was in the exco team and she was going to help my team and turn the tables hoho.

As expected, my team won!! Unfortunately they told us that we can't make allies in the real game. :/ 

Finally the end of a super eventful and fun day. Tired!