Saturday, June 21, 2014

The day God spoke to me

Recently I was feeling very troubled over choosing my second specialization. The highly-sought-after way, as I've always followed, was to aim high and just choose banking and finance and open my options.

I knew I wouldn't get in since I didn't make the cut of B+ in financial management, but still decided to try... Alas, I got my second choice of biz law. 

Now I was stuck with 3 options, to appeal for baf, to stick with biz law, or to reject my second spec choice and use my AUs for unrestricted electives, well, unrestrictedly haha.

Dad told me to pray and ask for God's direction but I was quite doubtful, I only had 2 days to make a decision, the answer can come so fast meh?

Even after reading up on second specializations and asking some seniors what they thought, I remained indecisive.

Finally, yesterday night before I slept, I prayed for God to reveal to me the path I should take through colours. If he showed me white, I will take biz law, if it was blue or red, I will appeal for baf and if it was green, I would be set "free" from restricting myself from a second spec choice lol. The colours were chosen based on the colour of my files for the subjects lol. I expected God to somehow reveal the answer to me in my dreams or something. 

This morning I woke up and prepared to go to church. I kept trying to recall what dream I had last night. Nothing... I sat on my bed and thought and thought.

Suddenly when I looked out of the window:

Green! Everything is green! I never bothered about looking out of the window but wow, the trees sure were flourishing haha. Was God telling me that I shouldn't do a second spec through this?

But I thought to myself, I can't be so sure about it. Afterall, green is such a common colour.

Then I suddenly had the idea to ask my mother about what colour is used now for the church season. My mum is in charge of the banner ministry in church so she has to put up banners according to the church seasons. Ok I wasn't sure about what colours are included but from
Haha blue, red, green and white all stood a chance!

Guess what was the colour for today, 22june? Green!!!!!!!

When my mum said it my eyeballs almost dropped out lol. Like "really ah?! You sure anot?! Really Green? Last week white then so fast change already?" My singlish lol.

True enough, green was the answer. Confirm and double confirm. 

Woohoo so now I don't even have to bother trying to appeal. God told me the answer through my circumstance. 

I have the faith that God's chosen path is the best path for me. :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ended stint at citi

Woo, in a flash, my 2 weeks at citi have come to an end.

While most people found it a breeze, I was struggling with it because of the pretty new jargon. Hedging and trading, anyone? Haha.

But I really liked my team at citi. We called ourselves team hungry for the ice breaking session on day 1 and we had this cheer:

D: hey guys, what do you feel like eating?
A: nasi Padang!
C: chicken rice!
C: (some Thai food I can't rmb)!
Me: Laksa!
D: but, what are we hungry for?
All: success! Goooooo, team hungry!


We we're sent on amazing race and spent around 8 bucks on transport... But didn't win TT I think the winning group had a driver so transport was great for them. But nevertheless still quite fun.

I realize I don't remember much technical banking knowledge but I can remember all the epic moments in my group. 

Let me just share the most epic moment. We have this guy C in my group who refuses to be a pushover in all circumstances. 
One day when we were trying to cross the zebra crossing together, a taxi driver tried to cut our path and squeeze past us. C totally flared up and and did the most epic thing ever- he put on a haughty look, said "no, girl, no!" in ghetto accent along with left-right head isolations and strutted across the road while the taxi driver looked on in shock!! Don't most people just let the taxi pass in this case!!! Hahahaha..

Lol, I kept doing the "no, girl" thing to him for the rest of the time left there.

Now I have that hungover feeling that I get when something great ends. We weren't the most bonded group but I hate to think that we'll won't get to meet like we did for the past 2 weeks and brainstorm for our project. During the programme I couldn't wait for it to end (fancy waking up at 6.30 everyday? Haha) but now I miss em. How ironic ><