Saturday, July 23, 2016

Importance of fun and friends :)

After an intense 1 hour kpopx fitness session with Joce, we were thoroughly exhausted but wanted to master the song "I see the light" from tangled. The song has an intriguing harmony that we had always failed during kbox sessions thus far lol.

(Oh ya I must say the fitness class is really improving our stamina. In the first class we almost passed out but now can actually breathe while doing!! 1 hour of cardio is no joke though)

As part of our endeavor, we had to find a quiet corner to practice the harmonies... And we ended up stuck to a lone wall at Clementi bus interchange while listening to the song and practicing lol too unglam!!

After a few weird passerby stares, we made our way to the "creepy bridge", as named by Joce, but it really is the Rail mall haha. While swatting away mosquitoes, Joce practiced the male voice and I practiced the female voice for a whole hour!!

Reminded me of the good old times during A levels when we when to the most secluded part of school to sing (or rather, screech) and de-stress. It was our only outlet of fun in those days!

Anyways at railway mall, we left even though we haven't succeeded because workaholic Joce needs to go to teach tuition! 

In a mad rush back to joce's house for her to change, we decided to switch our singing parts, and viola, immediate success LOL. It was such a eureka and energizing moment!

Which brings me to the point of this entry, the importance of doing fun things with friends once in awhile. It definitely helps to have a non-judgmental and equally goofy BFF to have fun with. I can't imagine having so much self-entertainment fun with anyone else :) Work will soon be a huge part of our lives, and we will strive to work hard and of course, play hard! :)

Speaking of friends, it seems increasingly hard to get close to people. Does growing up means becoming more and more self-conscious? Reference to Joce's latest post, I guess it's really because we are afraid to put ourselves out there and risk being hurt when the person responds unfavourably. Lol, imagine how little self-consciousness I had when I was 13 to ask Joce "Can I be your friend?" when I first met her. 

To think about it in another way, putting myself out there had little to lose but a lot to gain :)

Now, to brainstorm how to put "Can I be your friend?" in a more socially acceptable manner for a 21 year old context... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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