Monday, December 9, 2013

Aiesec winter explore day 5

Monday! Time to get down to business. Josephina and I attended our first ever teacher's meeting in the morning and were introduced to the teachers. Was quite fun to see the teachers report about their department's affairs and the principal talking about the plans to make nanshi a better school and attract more in-comers. 

We then discussed with the English teachers about our lesson plans and asked them what they want us to share about Singapore. Unfortunately when they asked us about Singapore's art scene, we had to admit that we didn't really have one... And also our famous Singaporean singers like Stephanie sun, Tanya, BY2 and JJ Lin all went to Taiwan before becoming famous lols.  

Josephina working hard.

In the afternoon my first host mum brought us to a tea plantation near nanshi 

The boss was super nice and served us lots and lots of tea (Josephina went to the toilet 3 times in the hour that we were there). He also showed us around his plantation!

Panoramic shots are awesome for scenery!

Haha there is this funny civil force army guy at nanshi. He watched ilo ilo and decided that the way Singaporeans mixed English and Chinese was super interesting so he kept trying today.

We asked him how long would the bus ride to the cinema be and he said "差不多是一个。。。那个hours吧,对不对,我有没有融入到你们的。。。culture呢?”
Hahaha. And he keeps jokingly complaining about his army duties and counts down to the end everyday lol (71 more days to go)

Have to say that all the Taiwanese people that I've met at nanshi elementary school are really nice and friendly. On the first night I told the first host mum that I was cold and she dug out a few jackets for me to try from the basement. I had to take care of her child for awhile and he ended up crying lol.

The jacket that fits me best had a spoilt zip so she went to get it fixed. TT

The current host mum (zhuren) has been very kind and accommodating. Everytime I'm out, she would drive to the bus stop to pick me up even though it's just a 5 min walk back to her house. Also she would give me a bottle of hot water in a thermo flask everyday. 

Today I just told her on the drive back home that my family and friends want me to buy the super Yums yiduzan beef noodle Maggie from Taiwan and after that when I came downstairs to the dining room for dinner and I saw this...

Home cooked yummy beef noodles. Haih why am I so lucky.

All the teachers in the staff room are very kind as well! Me and Josephina just need to say "we feel like watching a movie/ eating fried chicken/ shopping for cheap clothes" and it would become the whole staff room's affair lol. Everyone would just contribute on how to get there in the fastest time and suggest things we could do there. I think the teachers don't travel much so they are not really sure of how to get around but they would immediately do research and help us find our way there. TT

Also because I'm always feeling cold, the teachers keep offering to lend me their jackets so now I think I have 2 extra. Really feel the warmth of the people here. :)

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